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  Hello, my name is 刘 沫妤(MoyuLiu). I am a PhD candidate at the Graduate School of Interdisciplinary Studies, The University of Tokyo.


 My primary research interest focuses on emotion norms and emotional behaviors in cyberspace. Specifically, I explore:
   1.Emotion norms on social media platforms across various online contexts, including digital chats and social media posts.
   2.The emergence and formation of emotion norms from two theoretical perspectives: media affordances theory (media features) and observational learning theory (social interactions).
   3.The impact of online emotion management on individuals’ psychological well-being.

 Aside from my academic pursuits, I have experience working as an internet marketer. In my free time, I enjoy expressing my creativity through oil painting, jewelry design, and writing poetry.


"It is in the nature of the calamitous situation existing today that even the most honorable reformer who recommends renewal in threadbare language reinforces the existing order he seeks to break by taking over its worn-out categorial apparatus and the pernicious power-philosophy lying behind it. " ​          


—Adorno, T. W., & Horkheimer, M. (1987). Dialectic of enlightenment. Perface.

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​Latest Update: 2024/10/11

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